Profilo personale Personal Profile
Michele Rostan è professore ordinario di sociologia dei processi economici e del lavoro presso l’Università di Pavia dove dirige il Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi e Ricerche sui Sistemi di Istruzione Superiore, ed è stato delegato del Rettore al benessere studentesco (2013-2019). È affiliato a UNIRES – Italian Centre for Research on Universities and Higher Education Systems, al Consortium of Higher Education Researchers, è membro delle redazioni di “Higher Education. The International Journal of Higher Education research”, “Studies in Higher Education”, a Journal of the Society for Research into Higher Education, dell’Academia Europaea e della Società Italiana di Sociologia Economica.
Michele Rostan is full professor of economic sociology and labor studies at the University of Pavia where he directs the Interdepartmental Center for Studies and Research on Higher Education Systems, and was Rector’s delegate for student affairs (2013-2019). He is affiliated to UNIRES – Italian Center for Research on Universities and Higher Education Systems, the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers, is a member of the editorial boards of “Higher Education. The International Journal of Higher Education research”, “Studies in Higher Education”, a Journal of the Society for Research into Higher Education, the Academia Europaea and the Italian Society of Economic Sociology.
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Ricerca Research
Il suo principale campo di interesse è lo studio del rapporto tra istruzione superiore, società ed economia. Ha partecipato o coordinato progetti nazionali e internazionali sull’occupazione e il lavoro dei laureati, la professione accademica, la relazione tra università, società ed economia, la vita e la carriera degli studenti universitari.
His main field of interest is the study of the relationship between higher education, society and the economy. He participated or coordinated national and international projects on the employment and work of graduates, the academic profession, the relationship between universities, society and the economic sector, the life and career of university students.
Terza missione Third Mission
Negli anni in cui è stato delegato del Rettore ha promosso le attività culturali e ricreative degli studenti e dei dottorandi nella città di Pavia e per conto dell’Università ha partecipato con il Comune e altri soggetti alla realizzazione delle politiche per la mobilità sostenibile, l’associazionismo, e il benessere e la salute degli studenti universitari.
In the years in which he was Rector’s delegate he promoted the cultural and leisure activities of students and doctoral students in the city of Pavia and on behalf of the University he participated with the Municipality and other subjects in the implementation of policies for sustainable mobility, youth associations, and the welfare and health of university students.